Welcome to Riverview Park Christian Church!

e are a small community of people seeking to be the presence of Jesus’ love and justice in the world, so whether you’re 2 years old or 102, there is a place here for you.
We come together each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM to celebrate the presence of God in each other and in the world, giving us the hope and strength we need to live as followers of Jesus. Our services include singing, sharing of prayers and what’s going on in our lives, hearing scripture, and partaking of the bread and the cup during communion. After each service we also gather to enjoy food and time to get to know each other better.
You will always be welcome at the Lord's table, regardless of your background and/or beliefs, so we hope to see you soon!
WE'VE RELOCATED! We are now located on the back side of Zion UCC, St. Joseph at 3001 Veronica Drive. You may enter on the East Side of the building, as we have our own entrance, or you many enter through the main entrance and just walk straight to the back hallway. You can't miss us!
We hope all of you are staying safe and healthy. As always, we like to keep everyone informed as best we can via email, our Facebook page, and our website. We have social/coffee hour following worship...please join us!
Pastor Dan Robinson and the entire congregation at RPCC welcome you to join us!
SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11
“Jesus said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." (Luke 5:4)”
On the CURRENT NEWS! tab:
-The Weekly Update with the Calendar of Events
Click HERE to view our February Twin Cities Christian Newsletter!
Be sure to follow us on FACEBOOK!
269.429.0700 3001 Veronica St. St. Joseph MI 49085 [email protected]
We come together each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM to celebrate the presence of God in each other and in the world, giving us the hope and strength we need to live as followers of Jesus. Our services include singing, sharing of prayers and what’s going on in our lives, hearing scripture, and partaking of the bread and the cup during communion. After each service we also gather to enjoy food and time to get to know each other better.
You will always be welcome at the Lord's table, regardless of your background and/or beliefs, so we hope to see you soon!
WE'VE RELOCATED! We are now located on the back side of Zion UCC, St. Joseph at 3001 Veronica Drive. You may enter on the East Side of the building, as we have our own entrance, or you many enter through the main entrance and just walk straight to the back hallway. You can't miss us!
We hope all of you are staying safe and healthy. As always, we like to keep everyone informed as best we can via email, our Facebook page, and our website. We have social/coffee hour following worship...please join us!
Pastor Dan Robinson and the entire congregation at RPCC welcome you to join us!
SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11
“Jesus said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." (Luke 5:4)”
On the CURRENT NEWS! tab:
-The Weekly Update with the Calendar of Events
Click HERE to view our February Twin Cities Christian Newsletter!
Be sure to follow us on FACEBOOK!
269.429.0700 3001 Veronica St. St. Joseph MI 49085 [email protected]